The New Rules
Lars Saabye Christensen
Norwegian title: | Beatles, filmpocket |
Author: | Lars Saabye Christensen |
Binding: | Heftet |
Year: | 2014 |
Pages: | 736 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
Series: | Beatles-trilogien |
Serienummer: | 1 |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202437985 |
This is the story of four Beatles-crazed Oslo-boys born in the year of 1951. We follow them as seventh graders, standing on the verge of taking the leap into adulthood – “We took the future in advance, and it looked damned good”. The story ends in the fall of 1972, as the swells of the youth protests of Europe are flooding them and their protected bourgeois environment, no feet left dry.
Beatles was first published in 1984, and is among the greatest sales successes in modern Norwegian Publishing. The novel was Lars Saabye Christensens great breakthrough as a writer, and it is read by generation after generation.
Beatles is the first book in a trilogy, followed by Lead (1990) and The Funeral (2008). Readers of Dagbladet named the book Best Norwegian Novel of the last 25 years in 2006.
"An exquisitely told story. It can be read right through, tasting of an entire summer and half a childhood."
PUBLICO, Portugal
"A celebration of love and friendship, and with acceptance for the great loneliness of the soul. Beatles is literary Blues. Read it. Hum, sigh, laugh. Enjoy!"
AKTUELT, Denmark
"His details are superb. In short scenes or hastily passing lines, he captures the atmosphere exactly."
"Christensen really can play with styles, rapidly changing voices – he glides from melancholia to darkness and grotesque, then puts us right in the middle of a chaotic stream of consciousness. He can disarm raw seriousness with subtle humor."
"Lars Saabye Christensen, the author of the cult Halvbroren, proved already with his debut Beatles that he is a master of prose."
Lars Saabye Christensen
Lars Saabye Christensen
Lars Saabye Christensen
«En hyldest til kjærlighed og venskab og en accept af sjælens store ensomhed. Beatles er en litterær blues. Læs den. Nyn, suk, grin. Nyd!»
Aktuelt, Danmark«En utsøkt fortalt historie. Den kan leses i ett drag, og smaker av en hel sommer og en halv barndom»
Publico, Portugal"Hans detajarbete är suveränt. I korta scener eller hastigt förbiflimrande repliker fångar han exact atmosfären."
Göteborgs Tidende"En hyldest til kjærlighed og venskab og en accept af sjælens store ensomhed. BEATLES er en litterær blues. Læs den. Nyn, suk, grin. Nyd!"
Aktuelt"Den ømmeste og sannferdigste bok om ungdom jeg har lest på lange, lange tider."
Kolbein Falkeid"Velskreven, varm, sjarmerende."
Knut Faldbakken, Dagbladet