Eels Garden (Innbundet)


Liv Mossige

Norwegian title: Eels have
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2024
Pages: 272
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202804190
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Eels have

A single mother and her son relocate to an eco-village in Denmark where she has taken on a part time role as a carer for a disabled boy. The residents of Eels garden have turned their back on the modern world, believing that the earth is suffering under the yoke of mankind. Mother and son are thrown into a world where the moral compass points in strange new directions. Is it perhaps just the voiceless, that have the right to live?

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Reviews Eels have

Skummel roman kritiserer miljørøsla 24.04.2024

«Eels have er ein roman som vekkjer kjensler.»

Anne Cathrine Straume,

Barnet som blei forsømt av ein heil landsby 26.04.2024

«... ein intens og skarp roman»

«Mossige har ei imponerande evne til å skildre eit ungt, plaga sinn frå innsida.»

Marta Norheim, Morgenbladet

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