GERMANY (Innbundet)


Liv Mossige

Norwegian title: Tyskland
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 208
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202452087
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Tyskland

The plot in Tyskland takes place in Norway during the Second World War, where we meet Hanna, a girl with a limitedl understanding of the world. She goes on a journey to find her sister, who she believes is in Germany.

It is with a finely-tuned sense of human vulnerability that Mossige takes us into a world seen only through Hanna's eyes, where we are guided by her dreams and desires. A wilful and fascinating novel reminiscent of the work of Flannery O'Conner and William Faulkner.

Tyskland is a strong and distinctive debut with the ability and willingness to take a close look at human life.

‘Tyskland is solidly composed, but most of all it is the language that makes it a memorable reading experience. It is in the lyrical passages and dialogues that we gain insight into human vulnerability, stunted communication and efforts to fit into a world where even what is safe falters in smouldering ashes.’

‘Tyskland is in all ways a solid debut novel and contains passages of high intensity. Just like with its characters and their abrupt dialogues, it knows to be silent when necessary.’

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Reviews Tyskland

Nominert til P2-lytterenes romanpris

P2-lytterenes romanpris, NRK

"Tyskland er solid komponert, men det er enda mer språket som gjør den til en minneverdig leseopplevelse. Det er gjennom de lyriske avsnittene og dialogene vi får innblikk i menneskelig utsatthet, avstumpet kommunikasjon, anstrengelsene for å passe inn i en verden der selv det trygge vakler i ulmende aske."

Sindre Andersen, Klassekampen

"Tyskland er en på alle måter solid debutroman og inneholder passasjer av høy intensitet. I likhet med sine personer og de korthugde dialogene deres, vet den å tie når det trengs."

Kåre Bulie, Dagens Næringsliv

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