A Random Bureucrat (Innbundet)

The Whole truth and nothing but the truth about Gordon Moe


Lars Saabye Christensen

Norwegian title: En tilfeldig nordmann
Norwegian subtitle: Den fulle og hele sannheten om Gordon Mo
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 304
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202702717
Overview En tilfeldig nordmann

Gordon Mo works in the Ministry of Agriculture and is the very model of a grey bureaucrat. But inside he’s seething and now and then he has to relieve the pressure: that’s when he checks into a hotel and lets off a bit of steam from the pressure cooker. This works fine until one day at work when a cake is served up in his honour: that day, unfortunately, the pressure becomes too much for Gordon Mo. To cut a long story short, by the next day he no longer works at the ministry. But unlike many 60-year-old bureaucrats who lose their jobs, Gordon Mo is not superfluous: a shy old man who’s seething inside needs something.

This is the starting point for Gordon Mo’s journey, which begins at an institution outside Baltimore that is supposed to get him back on his feet again. There he encounters the night watchman, Only Me, who will turn out to play a decisive role in the novel. What’s more, there’s a certain Frans Meek in the background who’s pulling the strings and ensuring that things continue to boil over here and there.

A Random Norwegian takes the pulse of our age with stinging wit and warmth.
Norwegian Reviews:

Serious playfulness in zesty new Saabye Christensen novel.

Funnier than ever.
For this is a contemporary novel, darn it! And as such it is equally absurd, smart, funny, provoking and elegantly written.
Dagbladet – Five stars out of Six

Filled with energy!
The book is full of linguistic energy, smart turns of phrase and just the right number of eccentric individuals, just like you would expect from this author.
...I could just keep on quoting for a long time, as this book is full of little literary pearls. But rather, I'll just say: Read the book!
VG – Five stars out of Six

Invited to a party by Saabye Christensen!
Lars Saabye Christensen has written an original masterpiece. I will only tell you this once: Get this book, clear your schedule and take your time with these three hundred pages. The author invites you to a linguistic Party with a capital P and a minor undertone. In the company of a Random Bureaucrat and a few other individuals.
...Linguistically spiced up with intelligent and intense formulations – almost an encyclopaedia for your next public speech.
NETTAVISEN – Six stars out of six.

Saabye Christensen’s engaginged and energetic novel could hardly be any more contemporary than this. (…) And the sentences. Wonderfully quotable aphoristic golden nuggets – the speciality of Saabye Christensen.

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More books by Lars Saabye Christensen:

Reviews En tilfeldig nordmann

Saabye Christensen inviterer til fest! 17.02.2021

«Lars Saabye Christensen har skrevet et annerledes mesterverk.»

«Sier det med en gang: Det er bare å få tak i denne boka, rydde kalenderen og bruke god tid på de tre hundre sidene. Lars Saabye Christensen inviterer til en språklig Fest med stor F og en undertone i moll. Med en tilfeldig nordmann og noen til…

'En tilfeldig nordmann' med undertittel den fulle og hele sannheten om Gordon Mo, er etter min vurdering den mest intense romanen Saabye Christensen har skrevet.»

«Språklig er den krydret med intelligente og spennende formuleringer - nærmest et oppslagsverk for neste bordtale»

Jan Øyvind Helgesen, Nettavisen

Noe av det beste jeg har lest denne måneden 27.02.2022

«Satirisk på en intelligent måte»

«... et litterært mesterverk som skiller seg ut»

«...formuleringer på en smart, provoserende og elegant måte.»

Simen Ingemundsen, Randaberg 24

Bannende byråkrat i utakt med tidsånden 23.02.2021

«[...] en ny roman. Ikke av det milde, raust underholdende, upolitiske slaget, men en original, samfunnskritisk tekst med skarpe kanter, uegnet til å gjøre alle til lags.»

Steinar Sivertsen, Stavanger Aftenbald

Lek og alvor i frisk Saabye Christensen-roman 17.02.2021

«...språklig leken med en satirisk undertone»

Leif Gjerstad, BOK365

Morsommere enn noen gang 17.02.2021

«For dette er en samtidsroman, for svingende! Og som sådan er den både absurd, smart, morsom, provoserende og elegant skrevet.»

Inger Bentzrud, Dagbladet

Full av energi! 17.02.2021

«... full av språklig energi, fiffige formuleringer og passe skeive individer, akkurat som vi forventer fra denne forfatteren.»

« ... det er jo bare Lars Saabye Christensen som kan servere oss linjer som denne: 'Vi er født i krenkelsens arkiver'.»

«Jeg kunne fortsatt å sitere lenge ennå, for denne boken inneholder en hel perlerad av små litterære skatter, men sier heller: Les denne boken!»

Sindre Hovdenakk, VG

Saabye syder 17.02.2021

«Stort mer samtids enn Saabyes engasjerte og energiske nye roman, kan litteraturen knapt bli.»

«Og setningene. De nydelig siterbare, aforistiske gullkornene som er Saabyes spesialitet.»

«...en god roman»

Gerd Elin Stava Sandve, Dagsavisen

Lars Saabye Christensen svingar sirkussvepa over samtida 17.02.2021

«Treff han? Er sirkuset underhaldande og piskeslaga fortente? Svaret er ikkje opplagt, men eg har tvilt meg fram til eit «ja».

Romanen er underhaldande dersom ein slepper ideen om at historia skal henge på greip, og i tillegg har høg toleranse for blødmer av typen «Gordon Mo får øye på seg selv i speilet. Det er lenge siden sist. Gjensynet er ikke hjertelig» eller «En pasient uten diagnose er som en forfatter uten språk».

Og satiren er treffande dersom ein aksepterer den tilspissa versjonen av tidsånda som kjem til syne, som likevel ikkje er spissare enn at det går an å kjenne den att, kanskje til og med på eit litteraturhus.»

Marta Norheim, NRK

«Sprø satire med absurde vendinger (...) full av spenstige formuleringer. (...) vanskelig å legge den fra seg.»

Therese Jægtvik, Helgelands Blad

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Author Lars Saabye Christensen

Lars Saabye Christensen (b. 1953) is one of Norway’s most beloved and prolific authors. Despite being best known for his long novels, Saabye is also a poet. His debut book was the poetry collection History of Gly (1976), for which he was awarded the Tarjei Vesaas prize. His first novel, The Amateur, was published in 1977 and Saabye Christensen often says all his novels could’ve had this title. Humans who struggle with inner insecurities and lack of a directory of their own lives, who are not professionally well-prepared in all of life’s situations, but instead make wrong choices and appear clumsy – these are the people he has an ever-recurring love for in his books.

His big breakthrough novel was Beatles (1984), which is one of the biggest selling literary titles in Norway ever and which new generations of youth keep falling in love with. In 2001 his epic major work The Half Brother was published, an extraordinarily generous and moving novel, which follows a family over a period of many years and through all stages of life. The Half Brother became an international success and won the Nordic Council Literature Prize. Between 2017 and 2021 the series Echoes of the City was published, which was met with exceptional criticism and reached a large readership. Saabye Christensen has written over 70 titles, won numerous prizes and awards, and has been translated into 36 languages.

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Foreign rights

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