Frost (Heftet)

Series: Roy Jacobsen jubileumsutgaver 


Roy Jacobsen

Norwegian title: Frost
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2014
Pages: 496
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Roy Jacobsen jubileumsutgaver
ISBN/EAN: 9788202438067
Overview Frost

In this novel Roy Jacobsen takes us back to one of the most dramatic periods in Scandinavian history. FROST is the adventurous tale about the Icelandic boy Gest, born in the year of 993, who at the age of just thirteen years old becomes an outlaw when he avenges the murder of his father by killing one of the most powerful chiefs of Iceland. With his companion, the wildling Teitr, he flees Iceland and makes it to Norway. There he walks on foot from Trondheim to Hålogaland and further south. He is cold, he is going nowhere, and he will kill again.

´Frost is a great novel and a riveting adventure. At the same time.´

´Roy Jacobsen is a storyteller touched by God. Frost is a well filled, well written and fascinating saga novel.´

´Frost is an impressive parade of a novel (...) As a whole: A riveting triathlon of a novel. Here we meet a storyteller who knows what he is doing. He has extensive knowledge about Nordic literature and let himself be inspired by the sagas without becoming a predictable imitator.´

´Frost is a through and through modern novel exactly because of its historic slant, drawing a precise curve through todays conflict-areas, both outwards and as an inner journey.´

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Reviews Frost

"Bare en håndfull forfattere har den erfaring og det format som skal til for å ta fatt på et så omfattende stoff som Roy Jacobsen gjør i Frost, og tar jeg ikke feil, er dette en roman som vil bli stående lenge. Jeg kan ikke skjønne annet enn at vi her har med et mesterverk å gjøre."

Kjell Jørgen Riegels Holbye, Fredriksstad Blad

"Frost er en flott roman og et rivende eventyr. På èn og samme tid."

Terje Stemland, Aftenposten

"Boken er en gullgruve for alle som interesserer seg for middelalderens kulturliv i Norge

Yngvar Ustvedt, VG

"Roy Jacobsen er en gudbenådet forteller. Stoffrik, velskrevet og fascinerende sagaroman."

Øystein Rottem, Dagbladet

"For Frost er et imponerende paradenummer av en roman (...)
I det hele tatt: Dette er en medrivende triathlon av en roman. Her møter vi en dikter som kan det meste. Han har inngående kjennskap til norrøn litteratur og lar seg inspirere av sagaene uten å bli en forutsigbar imitator."

Steinar Sivertsen, Stavanger Aftenblad

"Frost er en tvers igjennom tidsmessig roman nettopp ved sitt historiske tilsnitt, den tegner en presis kurve gjennom dagens konfliktområder, både ytre sett, og som en indre reise."

Pål Gerhard Olsen, Bergens Tidende

"Roy Jacobsen har aldri til dei grader briljert som i denne romanen (...)
for sett under eitt er Frost definitivt den beste romanen eg har lese så langt i haust."

Bjarne Tveiten, Fædrelandsvennen

"Ingen overrasker mer enn Roy Jacobsen i norsk samtidslitteratur. Hans tematiske, miljø- og handlingsmessige variasjonsbredde synes ikke å ha noen grenser.(...) Det er all grunn til å spørre om det ikke er Roy Jacobsens tur til å bli nominert som norsk kandidat til Nordisk Råds litteraturpris, i tillegg til nominasjonen til Brageprisen."

Finn Stenstad, Tønsbergs Blad

" du bare får med deg en roman denne høsten, bør det bli dette mesterverket av en roman."

Solveig Brekke Weltzien, Vårt Land

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Author Roy Jacobsen

Roy Jacobsen (b. 1954) is regarded as one of the most influential contemporary authors in Norway, and has since his sensational debut in 1982, with the short story collection Prison Life, which won him the prestigious Tarjei Vesaas’ Debutant Prize, developed into an original and daring author with a special interest in the underlying psychological interplay in human relationships. He has been nominated three times for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, and twice for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. In 2017 he was shortlisted for both the Man Booker International Prize, as the first Norwegian author ever, and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, for The Unseen.

In 2013 Jacobsen’s authorship reached a new milestone with the publication of The Unseen, book one in his now completed Barrøy trilogy. It is set in the first half of the 20th century on an island on the North-Western coast of Norway, and is a monument over human courage and life-saving practical and social knowledge. White Shadow followed in 2015, The Eyes of Rigel in 2017 and Just a Mother in 2020. The Barrøy quartet became an immediate critically acclaimed sales success, it has been translated into 28 languages, and has sold nearly 500.000 copies in Norway alone. In total, Jacobsen has been translated into 38 languages

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