The Sámi
Leseløve / Sigbjørn Skåden
Norwegian title: | Fugl |
Author: | Sigbjørn Skåden |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2019 |
Pages: | 128 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202621452 |
2048: A child is born on Home, a previously unknown planet named after the research expedition that established a colony there a few years earlier.
The researchers left Earth with the goal of establishing a colony, well aware that they can never return. As researchers, they are willing to take the risk and the psychological strain it entails. But the child's mother is no longer a researcher; she is a mother – and she has plans for her daughter that no one knows about.
2147: The descendents of the first people are living on the edge of starvation inside the dome on Home. The animals the first people had brought with them died long ago, they haven't managed to get anything to grow outside the dome walls, and all electronic equipment are outdated and discarded.
After a storm, another dome suddenly appears on the landscape. The new people present themselves as having the same motivations as those who came a hundred years before – they speak of hope and community. But when the truth about the inhospitable conditions on Home sink in, another agenda gradually comes to light.
Leseløve / Sigbjørn Skåden
«Utsiktene er dystre, men romanen er gripende.»
«Poetisk og trykkende om menneskets jordbundne skjebne.»
Kristian Wikborg Wiese, Vårt Land«Slik reiser Sigbjørn Skåden noen eksistensielle spørsmål knyttet til flukt og erindring: Hvordan takler man livet som emigrant? Skal man ta vare på det som var, eller er det best å forsøke å glemme fortiden? Hvor langt kan man gå i å omskrive sannheten for ikke å miste håpet og forstanden?»
«Fugls skjulte hentydninger til Musks fremtidsvyer innebærer at romanen kan leses som en kritikk av maktmenneskers grenseløse begjær etter å kolonisere.»
Sissel Furuseth, BLA Bokvennen Litterære Avis«Det ligg eit magisk og poetisk slør over det heile [...]»
Oddmund Hagen, Dag og TidFrance |