Tails Throughout Time (Innbundet)


Yulia Horst

Norwegian title: Halens historie
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2013
Pages: 40
Illustrator: Rychkova, Daria
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202422493
Age: 4 - 99
Overview Halens historie

This is a fantastically original picture book built on one simple yet alluring premise: What would life be like if people had tails?

A shrewd and lexical text combined with classic and beautiful illustrations, Halens historie entices the reader to visit a hypothetical world – a world populated by people with tails!
We see how tails can be used to convey emotions, how they can come in handy when we want to flirt a little, or even to poke fun at others. We gain an insight into how tails influence fashion trends and why some individuals have a strained relationship with their tail and take drastic steps in order to fit in with beauty ideals. But there’s also a look at more day-to-day matters, such as how to exersice your tail and how to avoid your tail being stepped on.

Halens historie is a beautiful and charmingly outlandish picture book written in the style of a factbook, all about the history of the tail.

Halens historie is as playful, funny and fantastic as a picture book for children ought to be... The playful nature hasn’t been cut short at the idea stage, but permeates the entire story and facilitates numerous questions and added fun underway... Text is scarce and factual whilst remaining a lovely book for reading aloud. Even so, the illustrations take centre stage. Rather than simply expanding upon the text, they constitute the majority of the book’s content. Each has been painstakingly completed, rich in content and varied in a mix of colour and black-and-white images that serve to emphasise and strengthen the book’s appeal... Pencil strokes, yellowed pages and cursive handwriting form associations to an old-fashioned sketchbook. In this way, the book emerges as a kind of draft version of a fact book from another world. It provides opportunities for explanation and conversation along the way.’

Solid tail story
'Halens historie is surprisingly convincing in its assumptions about how we would regard our tails. … Halens historie has many of the features that characterise picture books set to remain relevant for a long time, and wonderful humour for both children and adults is one of them. The first thing that strikes the reader is Daria Rychkova’s illustrations … precise and beautiful spreads; part pencil drawing, part elegant and precise watercolours. … drawings of tails seldom say so much. Her mastery of historical dress and costumes is also striking. … Halens historie can be read from the start, end and middle, and will always delight and surprise readers.'

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Reviews Halens historie

Helstøpt halehistorie

""Halens historie" er forbausende overbevisende i sine antakelser om hvordan vi ville ha forholdt oss til haler. [...] "Halens historie" har mange av de egenskapene som preger bildebøker med svært lang holdbarhets-tid, og underfundig humor for både liten og stor er én av dem. Det første som imidlertid slår oss er Daria Rychkovas illustrasjoner [...] nøyaktige og lekre oppslag; dels tegnet med blyant, dels i en elegant, nøyaktig akvarellteknikk. [...] sjelden har tegnede haler sagt så mye. Videre er hennes beherskelse av historiske kostymer og klesdrakter slående. [...] Halens historie kan leses både forfra, bakfra og fra midten, og vil alltid fryde og overraske."

Guro Havrevold, Numer

Hva om alle hadde hale?

""Halens historie" er akkurat så leken, morsom og fabulerende som en bildebok for barn bør være. [...] Her har ikke leken stoppet på idéplanet, men gjennomsyrer hele fortellingen og legger til rette for flere spørsmål og mer moro underveis. [...] Teksten er knapp og faktabasert, men svært høytlesningsvennlig. Det er likevel illustrasjonene som har fått hovedrollen. Mer enn bare å utfylle teksten, står de for storparten av innholdet. De er forseggjorte, innholdsrike og varierte, med en miks av farger og svart-hvitt som bidrar til å utheve og forsterke. De rommer også en mengde referanser, som til halebefengte utgaver av Mona Lisa og Venus fra Milo, og «Sex og singelliv»-lignende jenter på halefrisørsalong. Hvert oppslag er helhetlig utført, med teksten godt integrert i bildet. Det samme gjelder boka totalt. Blyanttegninger, gulnede sider og løkkeskrift gir assosiasjoner til en gammel skissebok. Slik framstår boka litt som et utkast til en faktabok, over en skissert verden. Den gir mye rom for tolkning og samtale underveis."

Marie L. Kleve, Dagbladet

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Author Yulia Horst

Yulia Horst (1978–) was born and raised in Russia, but currently lives in Oslo. She was educated within ballet and languages and works as a dance teacher. In addition, Yulia is a playwright and has cooperated with the Royal Court Theatre in London. Tales Throughout Time (Halens historie) was her first book for children, and it was awarded the prestigious Bologna Ragazzi Award. The History of Darkness (Mørkets historie, 2016) is her second book.

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Foreign rights
Palestinian Territory
Republic Of Korea

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