All Day Long (Innbundet)


Anna Fiske

Norwegian title: Hele dagen lang
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2013
Pages: 64
Illustrator: Fiske, Anna
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Hele dagen lang
ISBN/EAN: 9788202403836
Overview Hele dagen lang

Anna is tired of her family. She decides to climb up the cherry tree and stay there all day long – her family will just have to do without her!

From her hiding place in the tree Anna can see everything that happens, but nobody can see Anna. After a long day she climbs down, but when she sits down at the dinner table she discovers that nobody has even noticed that she's been gone at all! 'What have you been up to today?' asks Mummy. 'Nothing special,' Anna replies.

‘This lingering, slightly philosophical and rather slow narrative is definitely not without humour and sarcasm. Nonetheless, the topic of a child’s need to be seen and accepted is fundamentally serious. ... As ever, the illustrations are organic, naïve. Fiske’s strange lines fuse text and images into one inseparable whole.’

‘Anna Fiske has created both text and illustrations, demonstrating once more that she belongs to the elite of Norway’s illustrators of books for children, with emphasis on detailed, comic strip-type drawings. ... so much happens at the level of detail in this book and its atmosphere is so warm and kind that it is totally impossible not to be charmed, and more, by run-away Anna.’
Hamar Arbeiderblad

‘Anna Fiske’s strength is the way she lets herself to play with her own fantasies – the oddities and absurdities – but not allowing is to interfere with accessibility. It makes for a good book, without being mainstream. And it is child-friendly.’

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Reviews Hele dagen lang


"Anna Fiske står for både tekst og illustrasjoner, og viser igjen at hun tilhører eliten av norske barnebokillustratører, med vekt på detaljrike og tegneserieaktige illustrasjoner. (...) det skjer så mye på detaljplanet i denne boka, og den har slik en varm og god stemning i seg, at det er plent umulig å unngå å la seg sjarmere og more av Anna på rømmen."

Geir Vestad, Hamar Arbeiderblad

"Anna Fiskes styrke er at hun tillater seg å leke med sin egen fantasi – rariteter og absurditeter, uten at det går på bekostning av leservennligheten. Det gjør at det blir godt uten å være mainstream. Og det er barnevennlig."

Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet

Savner å bli savnet

"Denne dvelende, lett filosofiske og ganske langsomme fortellingen er slett ikke uten humor og snert. Temaet er likevel grunnleggende alvorlig, det handler om barnets behov for å bli sett og bekreftet. (...) Illustrasjonene er som alltid organiske og naivistiske, Fiskes særegne strek smelter sammen tekst og bilder til en uatskillelig opplevelse."

May Grethe Lerum, VG

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Author Anna Fiske

Anna Fiske (b. 1964) is an award-winning author, illustrator, and cartoonist. She has written and illustrated close to 70 picture books, illustrated books and comic books. She's also illustrated a number of books for other authors. Fiske’s playful and distinctive style, both literary and pictorial, has earned her numerous awards and honours for her works. Several of her books have been published with great success in many countries.

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