Hilda Bumblevik and the Secret of the Diary (Innbundet)

Series: Hilda Humlevik 3


Irmelin Persdatter Gustavsen

Norwegian title: Hilda Humlevik og dagbokas hemmelighet
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2024
Pages: 252
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Hilda Humlevik
Serienummer: 3
ISBN/EAN: 9788202827076
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 9 - 12
Overview Hilda Humlevik og dagbokas hemmelighet

In Søderdal Mum is nursing a broken heart, and a threat hangs over Hilda and her friends: the town’s children may be sent away. Mum has disappeared into her bedroom and into herself after the scandal of the wedding day when she nearly got married to Timian. Hilda feels lonely and downhearted until she finds a black leatherbound book among Timian’s stuff. It turns out to be a diary that Timian kept when he was twelve years old.

While Hilda’s friends and allies try to work out how to stop Vendela from sending the children to China and from becoming a popular media personality, Hilda finds herself becoming fascinated by the boy in the diary. He seems almost like a perfectly ordinary boy. The diary also turns out to conceal a dark secret. A secret that may have huge consequences for the Søder family and for Hilda herself.

Hilda Bumblevik and the Secret of the Diary is the third and final book in the series about Hilda. The Hilda books are full of humour, mysteries and some genuinely scary scenes, as well as being packed with great dialogue and really wonderful depictions of faithful friendship.

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More books by Irmelin Persdatter Gustavsen:

Reviews Hilda Humlevik og dagbokas hemmelighet

Skummelt og vakkert for både barn og voksne 13.10.2024

«God barnelitteratur tar barna på alvor, utfordrer dem og sår frø til gode samtaler mellom barn og voksne. Alt dette gjør bøkene om Hilda Humlevik.»

«Hilda Humlevik-bøkene drar umiddelbart tankene mot Roald Dahls og J.K. Rowlings forfatterskap.»

«Gustavsens evne til å skildre ulike stemninger er imponerende. Hun får det til å gå kaldt nedover ryggen på en voksen leser, uten å skrive rett ut at noe er skummelt.»

Kristin W. Hansen, Fredriksstad Blad

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Author Irmelin Persdatter Gustavsen

Irmelin Persdatter Gustavsen (born 1989) has studied drama and theatre and is finishing a master’s degree in Children’s and Young Adult Writing at NBI in Norway in 2022. Hilda Bumblevik and The People Who Disappeared is her debut novel.

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