Why Do Russians Vote for Putin?
Bernhard L. Mohr
Norwegian title: | Hva vil russerne med Norge? |
Author: | Bernhard L. Mohr |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2020 |
Pages: | 240 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202629090 |
Kategori: | Narrative Non-fiction |
When relations between Russia and the West cooled after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, it looked for a while as if Norwegian-Russian co-operation would be fine. Yet over the past three years, Russia has engaged in a series of actions targeting Norway and Norwegian interests: the spying charge against Frode Berg and the raid on the Norwegian University Centre in St Petersburg; frequent fighter jet and bomber missions along the coast of Norway and major military exercises close to the border; the refusal of visas to Norwegian business leaders and politicians; and the public exposure of diplomats.
What is it about Norway’s behaviour that has provoked the Russian bear? What relationship do Russia’s political leadership really want to have with us? And what do ordinary Russians think about Norway, the only neighbouring country with which Russia has never engaged in armed conflict?
In this book, Russia expert Bernhard L. Mohr tries to find out how Norway appears to have ended up high on the Kremlin’s agenda. His Russian sources are many, from leading politicians and diplomats, through journalists and experts to young Russians urbanites. The book also takes the temperature of Russia in 2020 – a country where there appears to be an increasingly wide gap between the leaders and the population, and between the generations.
Journalist and editor Bernhard L. Mohr has been monitoring Russia closely since the turn of the millennium. His previous book, Why Do Russians Vote for Putin? (2017) enjoyed an extremely positive reception from critics and readers alike.
Well written, nuanced and full of insight
Mohr takes us behind the facades, into the homes and into the Russian way of thinking – far beyond the clichés about the vodka drinking, spontaneous and emotional Russian most into showing off strength. Russia is not synonymous with the regime of Putin. That Mohr also have a vivid drive in is his writing, as well as him being a grand storyteller, makes for a joyful reading.
Bernhard L. Mohr
«... ein av våre viktigaste formidlarar av kunnskap og innsikt om det nye Russland.»
«Som dei fleste nordmenn som kjenner Russland frå innsida, har Mohr eit tvisynt forhold til det russiske. Han verken idealiserer eller fordømmer. Mohr underslår på ingen måte dei kritikkverdige og skremmande sidene ved Putins regime. Samstundes prøver han å forstå og formidla korleis verda ser ut frå russisk side.(...)Han leverer ikkje bastante konklusjonar, men framstillinga er til å bli klokare av.»
«Han tar oss med bak fasadane, inn i heimane, inn i den russiske tenkemåten – langt forbi klisjeane om den vodkadrikkande, spontane, kjenslesterke og spontane russaren som er mest opptatt av å vise styrke. Russland er ikkje synonymt med Putins regime.
At Mohr attpåtil har eit levande, drivande språk og er ein forteljar av rang, gjer boka til ein lesefest.»