The Caliphate (Innbundet)

Series: Charlie Robertsen 4


Terje Bjøranger

Norwegian title: Kalifatet
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 416
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Kalifatet
Series: Charlie Robertsen
Serienummer: 4
ISBN/EAN: 9788202675172
Kategori: Literature and Fiction og Mystery and Crime
Overview Kalifatet

The body of a young man is discovered on Bygdøy island, Oslo. He is found wearing an orange coverall, and sitting with his own severed head held in his lap.

Acts of terror strike Norway and Sweden, and the brutal nature of the attacks shake the peaceful Scandinavia. A young Yezidi woman is released from captivity, after several years as a sex slave in the Islamic State (IS). The Yezidi woman, who calls herself Baso, discovers that her former “owner” is now located in Sweden.

Together with the Norwegian and Swedish police forces, Police Investigator Charlie Robertsen learns that the terrorists behind the recent attacks have even bigger plans. For even if the Islamic caliphate, seated in Raqqa, Syria now lays in ruins, the dream of the Caliphate still lives on.

Charlie’s criminal foster son, Kim, is released from prison and ends caught up in the young yezidi woman’s burning desire for revenge, landing him in the crossfire between Charlie and the Jihadists.

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Reviews Kalifatet

Veldig bra - veldig skremmende 29.07.2021

«Terje Bjøranger skriver knakende godt og skremmer oss samtidig.»

«Storyen er spennende gjennom alle de 400 sidene...»

«Terje Bjøranger har nemlig skrevet en en thriller som tar tak i deg og som nekter å gi slipp.»

Tor Hammerø, Nettavisen

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Author Terje Bjøranger

Terje Bjøranger (1959–) works as a Police Prosecutor for The National Criminal Investigation Service in Norway. He made his debut in 2010 with The Third Sister (Den tredje søsteren). Bjøranger has also worked with The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration for several years in areas such as forced marriages and honour crimes.

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