Loose Tooth (Innbundet)

Series: Løveunge 


Camilla Kuhn

Norwegian title: Løveunge - Løs tann
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2011
Pages: 44
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Løs tann
Series: Løveunge
ISBN/EAN: 9788202348458
Age: 4 - 7
Overview Løveunge - Løs tann

Tim can't wait for his loose tooth to fall out. He plans to give it to the tooth fairy and hopes to receive some money in return. Tim is saving up for a bicycle.

However, by some unfortunate accident, he swallows the tooth and suddenly everything looks very bleak. Right up until the moment he makes a toilet visit, that is, when he hears something tinkle all the way down in the toilet bowl. Can it be...?

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Reviews Løveunge - Løs tann

"Enkel og morsom bok om løse tenner i Løveunge-serien. Bøkene i denne serien har store bokstaver og kun én setning per side. Passer bra til den første lesetreningen."

Kine Gokstad, Østlands-Posten, spalten Les da vel

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Author Camilla Kuhn

Camilla Kuhn (1975–) debuted with the picture book Hvordan Greger Grinebiter havnet i bitter duell og alt nesten ble helt rosa in 2007. She has since created eight books for children.

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