Manifestation (Innbundet)

A Handbook for the Life You Want


Kari Opsal

Norwegian title: Manifestering
Norwegian subtitle: En håndbok til livet du ønsker deg
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2025
Pages: 116
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202843656
Kategori: Self Help
Overview Manifestering

Manifestation is a hugely popular self-development practice that will help you transform your life from what it is, to what you want it to be.

In Manifestation, author and clairvoyant Kari Opsal explains how and why manifesting work. She guides you through smart, practical tips so you will succeed with manifesting in your own everyday life. Through conscious and unconscious thoughts, feelings and actions, you can steer your life in different directions. With the help of manifesting, the impossible can become possible – but not necessarily the way you imagined it. It can be even better!

Kari demystifies, inspires and generously shares her own experiences and discoveries. She explains the basic principles you need to know, and teaches you to use the law of attraction, visualization, positive thinking and a number of other useful methods and tools. Manifesting is easier than you think: Think it, feel it, live it, let it go and let it happen! It is when you trust the universe, and at the same time do your part to make your dream come true, that magic can happen.

This is the book for both the curious beginner and the more experienced in need tips and inspiration to strengthen your own manifesting power.

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More books by Kari Opsal:

  • Spiritual

    En håndbok på reisen til det uforklarlige

    Kari Opsal

Author Kari Opsal

Kari Opsal has worked as a clairvoyant for many years. Through courses, intuitive guidance and social media, she helps others find meaning and direction in life, and to develop their own spiritual powers. Spiritual is her first book, Manifestation her second.

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