Dad and Other Terrorists (Innbundet)


Ingvild Bjerkeland

Norwegian title: Pappa og andre terrorister
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2024
Pages: 168
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Pappa og andre terrorister
ISBN/EAN: 9788202836115
Age: 9 - 12
Overview Pappa og andre terrorister

All Erle wants is to have an ordinary holiday like ordinary people do. A trip to Costa del Sol, for example! But instead, her journalist father Rehman drags her off on a work trip to London where he’s covering the Climate Conference. Erle only has one afternoon to play tourist before Dad starts fussing about work again. And he’s constantly busy with weird phone calls.

While Erle and Dad are eating dinner, they hear shots. Dad tells Erle to hide under the restaurant table and stay there. Meanwhile, he runs outside towards the gunfire. A second later, there’s an explosion. A bomb has gone off close by.

Erle wakes up in hospital with a broken arm. Dad is in a coma. What has happened? Who is behind the bombing? Why did Dad leave Erle in the restaurant – did he know something about the attack?

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Author Ingvild Bjerkeland

Ingvild Bjerkeland (1981–) has made her literary début with Oscar Blue går under (Oscar Blue Goes Under).

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