Red danger (Innbundet)


Helene V. Nortvedt

Norwegian title: Røde fare
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 192
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202763596
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Røde fare

Evy is 27 years old, an age where many have managed to establish themselves and sorted out their lives, but she’s only managed to isolate herself from others. Something pulls her back to her teenage years when her mother’s relationship with Rune broke down. Evy hasn’t seen Rune in 15 years. Rune with the golden, wavy hair, brown leather jacket and red shoes with white laces. At least that’s what he looks like in her memories. Is she romanticising him? Rune has another family now, and Evy knows where he lives. Several times she goes to his house and sees the lights on through the windows. One day she gets in touch with Rune. It doesn’t turn out the way she imagined. But what did she imagine?

The relationship between children and parents in a family of divorce is explored in many novels, but what about the step-parents? Those who are present through the most formative years of growing up, acting as a parent? What happens when they disappear out of the children’s life?

Red Danger is a literarily strong debut novel about the connections and boundaries that can exist between humans.

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Reviews Røde fare

Andrehånds bruddskader 04.02.2023

«Nortvedt beskriver et liv i den moderne familiens etterdønninger på følsomt, sanselig og livsnært vis. Det gjør «Røde fare» til en interessant og original debut.»

Maia Nielsen, Klassekampen

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Author Helene V. Nortvedt

Helene Alice Nortvedt (b. 1990) was born and raised in Oslo. She’s studied Writing at Westerdals in Oslo and is finishing a master’s degree in Literary Form at Gothenburg University. Red Danger (2023) was her debut novel.

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