Look at Me, Medusa (Innbundet)


Torkil Damhaug

Norwegian title: Se meg, Medusa
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2007
Pages: 359
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202276645
Kategori: Mystery and Crime
Overview Se meg, Medusa

Axel Glenne runs his own successful surgery business. He is the son of a war hero and lives an apparently harmonic life with his wife and three children. The morning after a long night shift, something happens that will turn his life upside down. A shadow from the past re-awakens. At the same time he meets a young female student doctor and finds it difficult not to be attracted to her.

Not long after a woman’s body is found in Nordmarka. The discoveries by and near the body might suggest that the killer wants to tell something. While the death is being investigated, another woman is murdered. The similarities between the killings are too close to be coincidental. It appears that Axel Glenne has a connection to both victims.
In a case that has aroused interest far beyond the country’s borders, the police are working under tremendous pressure. Chief Inspector Hans Magnus Viken suspects that an understanding of a sick mind is just as important as conventional police work, if they are to succeed in preventing further killings.

Se meg, Medusa is a thriller where faith and myths force their way into both the readers’ and police’s attempt at solving the puzzling murders. The story revolves and throws light on different issues: identity and jealousy, bestiality, unfaithfulness and revenge.

Se meg, Medusa is pure, despite its criminal aspects. Torkil Damhaug distinguishes himself through his attention-grabbing depictions of places and personalities. He has now taken his place in the top ranks of Norwegian crime fiction writers.’

‘An important message for the Norwegian Literary House: Make space where they hang the authors' portraits! ... one of the most well-written and nervewracking works of crime fiction in a long time.’
Dagens Næringsliv

‘Torkil Damhaug sneaks right up to the cutting edge with his new thriller, Se meg, Medusa.’

‘The book delivers surprises up to the very last moment ... Damhaug knows the art of telling a spellbinding crime story in which every component has a function within the world of the crime.’
Jyllands-Posten, DK

‘It is brilliantly well written. As in his previous work, this novel carries the unmistakable imprint of Damhaug’s day job as doctor on a psychiatric ward and, hence, his insights into the most hidden aspects of the human mind.’
Litteratursiden.dk, DK

“Torkil Damhaug’s Medusa features several victims who exit mauled by a bear. Doctor Axel Glenne believes his twin brother may be responsible but nothing is as it seems in this sleek and cunning thriller. The first in a series called the Oslo Crime Files, it is a more than promising debut”

Evening Standard, UK

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Reviews Se meg, Medusa

Torkil Damhaug er ikke snauere enn at han kaster seg rett inn i den norske krimelitens rekker. Med god driv, teft og en spenstig fortellerevne, kan vi glede oss over enda en berikelse.

Anette Torjusen, Fredrikstad Blad

Mesterlig spenning!

Det som gjør dette til en så bra krimroman, er måten forfatteren bygger det hele opp på. Her er hentydninger til rovdyrmotstand i Hedmark, her er barn som bærer med seg en arv fra sine fedres væremåte, her er mennesker det har tippet fullstendig for og her er motiver på rekke og rad. Og hver gang man tror man har gjennomskuet Damhaug, må man like ofte erkjenne at man har tatt feil.

Rune Fjellvang, Romerikes Blad

Torkil Damhaugs nye kriminalfortelling er en spennende, original og urovekkende roman med mange dybder og interessante nyanser.

May Grethe Lerum, VG

I et ujevnt norsk krimår er det ikke umulig at denne forrykende romanen kan stikke av med Riverton-trofeet «Den gyldne revolver».

Stein Roll, Adressavisen

Torkil Damhaug sniker seg rett inn i førstedivisjon med sin nye krimroman Se meg, Medusa.

Turid Larsen, Dagsavisen

Se meg, Medusa er en roman om skyld og skyldfølelse, om hevn og raseri, om fantasier og forstyrrelser – mange sterke følelser og sterke opplevelser, også for leseren. Og for alle som er genuint interessert i god krimlitteratur, er denne romanen ikke til å komme forbi.

Kurt Hanssen, Dagbladet

Viktig melding til Litteraturhuset: Rydd plass på forfatterveggen! ... en av de mest velskrevne og nervepirrende norske krimutgivelsene på lenge. ... Det er bare å slå det fast: Torkil Damhaug leker ikke forfatter. Med «Se meg, Medusa» bekrefter han nok en gang at han tilhører det absolutte tetsjiktet i norsk krim – og norsk skjønnlitteratur overhodet.

Ola A. Hegdal, Dagens Næringsliv

Rent bortsett fra den kriminalistiske bragden Se meg, Medusa er, utmerker Torkil Damhaug seg med oppsiktsvekkende miljø- og persontegninger. Han har nå inntatt plass i norsk krims øverste divisjon.

Terje Stemland, Aftenposten

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Author Torkil Damhaug

Torkil Damhaug (b. 1958) has a degree in medicine with a specialization in psychiatry. His debut novel, Flee, Moon, caused a great stir when it appeared in 1996. His Norwegian and international breakthrough came with the psychological thriller Death by Water in 2009. The novel has since been optioned for a movie. He has been awarded the Riverton Prize for the novel Fireraiser in 2011, A Fifth Season in 2016 and Dog without a Grave in 2022, making him the only author to receive the prize thrice.

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