Chasm (Innbundet)


Lars Saabye Christensen

Norwegian title: Sluk
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2012
Pages: 416
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202392499
Overview Sluk

A big new novel by Lars Saabye Christensen: it contains brilliant stories from a summer in Oslo in the 60s and a nightmarish period spent in Karmack, a small North American town. The link is Funder, the protagonist, whose loyalty is tested when, at the age of fifteen, he stays alone with his mother (and, on and off, four aunts) for a summer spent in a house on Nesodden near Oslo.

In the second half of the novel, Funder is admitted for treatment to an institution in the United States. By then, he is almost sixty years old, his father has just died and his mother is on her deathbed. Funder, who has become an author, is far from happy.

Sluk is a sharp and entertaining novel which is consistent with the author's earlier work but also shows new sides to his talent.

‘I have rarely read a more poetical, elegant and original biography of an author. It is entertaining as well – and with an epilogue so intense, heavy with existence, authentic and beautiful that it simply knocks me out.’

Sluk is a novel based on equal parts of poetic aggression and the joy of story-telling. An autobiographical novel which you cannot possibly be unaffected by.’

‘A master of repetition … Lars Saabye Christensen presents an offer Norwegian book lovers cannot refuse. It starts as an echo and ends as an unbeatable masterpiece.’

‘… one of the best novels from Christensen.’
Bergens Tidende

‘… a beautiful homage to the housewives of the sixties, and a sort of wrapped reminder of what actually means something in this world … a successful novel, and an especially beautiful depiction of a mother’s love.’

‘… simply brilliant.’
Vårt Land

‘A tender, sad and beautiful book about death, guilt and reconciliation. … Possibly his strongest and best book since The Half Brother.’

‘This book can be understood in so many different ways and offers such an exceptional reading experience which this reader, for one, would not have missed.’
Trønder-Avisa (6 points out of 6)

‘The new novel, Sluk, more than measures up to our expectations. The author is even better than before.’

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...den gir en uvanlig leseropplevelse som denne leser ikke ville vært foruten
Jon Åge Fiskum, Trønder-Avisa

More books by Lars Saabye Christensen:

Reviews Sluk

Nært og mørkt

"Boka kan tolkes på uendelig mange måter, og den gir en uvanlig leser opplevelse som denne leser ikke ville vært foruten."

Jon Åge Fiskum, Trønder-Avisa

"Sluk er en roman båret av like deler dikterisk aggresjon og stor fortellerglede. En selvbiografisk preget roman som ikke kan unngå å gjøre inntrykk."

Sindre Hovdenakk, VG

Gjentagelsens virtuos

"Lars Saabye Christensen kommer med et uslåelig tilbud til norske bokelskere. Begynner som et ekko og ender som et originalt mesterverk."

Rune Hallheim, Aftenposten

"Det er sjelden jeg har lest en mer poetisk, elegant og original forfatterbiografi (…) og med en epilog så intens, eksistenstung, autentisk og vakker at den slår meg helt ut."

Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet

"En vakker hyllingssang for sekstitallets husmødre (...) og et spesielt fint bilde av morskjærlighet."

Gerd Elin Stava Sandve, Dagsavisen

"Den nye romanen «Sluk» mer enn innfrir. Den er et løft i forfatterskapet."

Leif Ekle, NRK P2

På sitt aller beste

"Øm, trist og vakker bok om død, skyld og forsoning.(...) Hans kanskje sterkeste og beste bok siden Halvbroren."

Ole Jacob Hoel, Adresseavisen

"Men Saabye Christensen er overhodet ikke skjønnmalende eller romantiserende. De grelle personlighetstrekkene som kjennetegner tenåringer er så godt skildret i Funders tilfelle at leserens frykt for gjenkjennelse kan anta eksistensielle proporsjoner. Når man blir grepet av historien er det ikke fordi forfatteren har kokt søtsuppe."

Bjørn Gabrielsen, Dagens Næringsliv

"Det er simpelthen strålende. (...)Hadde vi hatt terningkast, skulle han fått yatzy i seksere."

Kjell-Richard Landaasen, Vårt Land

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Author Lars Saabye Christensen

Lars Saabye Christensen (1953–) has published a number of novels, poetry and short story collections since his literary debut in 1976 with The Story of Gly. His breakthrough came with Beatles (1984), one of the greatest literary sales successes in Norway that, over the years, new generations continue to hold close to their hearts. The author received the Nordic Council Literature Prize for The Half Brother in 2001.

He has also received the Riverton Prize, the Critics' Prize, the Brage Prize, the Norwegian Booksellers' Prize, the Dobloug Prize and the Norwegian Reader's Prize. The author has been published in 36 countries.

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Foreign rights

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