The Power (Innbundet)

Series:  462


Heidi Furre

Norwegian title: Makta
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 144
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Nynorsk
Serienummer: 462
ISBN/EAN: 9788282883955
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Makta

I can often see it in others. I don’t exactly know how I can see it, because it’s fleeting. It inhabits their face. It’s in their skin, around their mouth, in their eyes. Some women carry the pain in their face. Men too. It’s difficult to pin down, it easily slips away. It defies youth, it defies beauty. I’ve seen it in others since I was a child, before I knew what it was. I’ve seen it in children. I’ve seen it in elderly women. Some days I’ve seen it in myself. In my pores, in my skin tone, in the lines on my face. If I don’t watch out, it seeps through.

Liv is a nurse. She takes good care of herself and others. She is a normal person hiding a normal secret. One night, many years ago, she was raped. By a man she willingly followed home. The Power is a novel about power, but also a book about having the power. The Power to move on.

Unsafe spaces
A thing that I value with Furres writing is how the feelings of her characters are taken seriously. Especially in her two latest novels the specific female experiences, that before might have been dismissed as overly sensitive, is given space and explanation. In The Power the personal experiences are also highly political, without the author turning it into a gender discussion about how men can not relate to the lives of women. Instead, The Power is a concrete tale of the experiences of Liv, a story many women can relate to as we step of the bus late at night and must walk the last stretch home on a dimly lit road.

A totally normal type of rape
One out of ten women become victims of rape. (…) With The Power Heidi Furre shows what those statistics actually mean. The topic is harsh and painful, but The Power is also good literature. (…) A novel about rape and the effects it has both on an individual and general level will obviously never by a “nice” feelgood book. But Heidi Furre manages to take good care of the reader none the less in this wise and clear book.

Accurate about the relief of trauma
In Heidi Furre´s hard striking novel The Power a mother of small children is trying to take back the control of her own life. What has happened cannot be undone. And this grey zone rape never ends up in a court of law. But Heidi Furre has found a different sort of relief in her precise sentences. A form that finds the reader.

One of this falls most important books.

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Reviews Makta

"Makta er en bok om voldtekt. (…) Furres roman lærer leseren om å leve i konstant årvåkenhet etter et traume; det er ikke alle som trenger å lese mer om dette for å forstå. (…) Furre har gitt et ydmykt og insisterende tankearbeid en solid litterær form."

Anna Serafima S. Kvam, Stavanger Aftenblad

Utrygge rom

"Noe jeg setter særlig høyt hos Furre, er hvordan følelsene til menneskene vi møter, tas på alvor. Særlig i de to siste romanene får de spesifikt kvinnelige erfaringene, som kanskje kunne blitt avfeid som overfølsomme, en plass og en forklaring. I Makta blir de personlige erfaringene også høyst politiske, uten at Furre går i fallgruven der dette blir en kjønnskamp hvor menn ikke kan forstå hvordan vi kvinner har det. I stedet er Makta en konkret fortelling om Livs erfaring, som også er en fortelling om hvordan veldig mange kvinner har det, hver gang vi tråkker av bussen på vei hjem i mørket og må gå siste strekket på en lite opplyst vei."

Ida Vågsether, Morgenbladet

Ei heilt vanleg valdtekt

"Ei av ti kvinner er offer for valdtekt. Med Makta viser Heidi Furre kva den statistikken faktisk betyr. (...) Tematikken er rå og vond, men Makta er god, også litterært. (...) Ein roman om valdtekt og verknadene den har på individ og samfunn, vil sjølvsagt aldri vera ei 'kjekk' eller 'koseleg' feelgood-bok. Men Heidi Furre gir lesaren ein god stad å vere likevel, i denne kloke og klare boka."

Gerd Elin Stava Sandve, Dagsavisen

"Treffsikkert om traumelindring (…) I Heidi Furres hardtslåande roman «Makta» forsøker ei småbarnsmor å ta tilbake kontrollen over sitt eige liv. (…) Det som har hendt kan ikkje gjerast om. Heller ikkje denne gråsonevaldtekta ender i rettssalen. Men Heidi Furre har funne ei anna form for lindring i dei treffsikre setningane sine. Ei form som treff lesaren."

Knut Hoem,

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Author Heidi Furre

Heidi Furre (b. 1986) made her debut 2013 with the novel Parissyndromet, to critical acclaim. She has since written two more novels. In addition to her writing, Heidi spends the majority of her time working as a photographer (

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