Invisible Hands (Heftet)


Stig Sæterbakken

Norwegian title: Usynlige hender
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2017
Pages: 264
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202543624
Overview Usynlige hender

Police Inspector Kristian Wold has been assigned the year-old, unsolved case of a missing person. There is no mistaking the message from his superiors: this is to be the last ditch attempt in finding the person before the case is dropped.

Nonetheless, Kristian's conscience forces him to agree to meet Inger Danielsen, the mother of the 14-year-old girl who has disappeared. It is to be a meeting that will have unexpected consequences for them both. While Kristian feels committed to continuing an investigation that has so far proved fruitless, an exciting intimacy is also developing between him and the mother. Inevitably, and against all the odds, the two are drawn to each other, with an unpleasant outcome in store.

'In a good, old-fashioned way Usynlige hender grips you from page one. It is a novel you read fast, and which you do not want to put down.'

'Stig Sæterbakken writes disturbingly well about desire, the crossing of moral boundaries and people you absolutely do not want to resemble.'

'Usynlige hender is a very strong novel, written in a precise and economic language where each and every word has meaning and weight, where there are hardly any clichés, and where merciless passion takes care of the drive.'

'The strength in Sæterbakken’s authorship lies in his ability to look deep. Deep into human inner life, history, hopes, dreams, darkness and longing.'

´A cruel stylist. Stig Sæterbakken shows the reader what morality really is. (...)He is extremely exact in his observations of our weak sides, the moments when our moral ideals and our moral behavior fall apart.'
'In a chopped, precise language Sæterbakken dramatizes the entire relational-psychological circuit of idealizing, polarizing and evil integration. Less than a hardboiled, black detective story Usynlige hender is a novel which tests our ability to understand and forgive, while at the same time pushing the reader farther and farther out on morally boggy ground.'

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Reviews Usynlige hender

"Stig Sæterbakken skriver ubehagelig godt om begjær, moralske overskridelser og om mennesker du slett ikke vil ligne på."
"Teknisk er dette en råsterk utgivelse. Sæterbakkens setninger er renskårne og klisjéfri, bildene er presise, og tråder som kan virke forvirrende når de legges ut, nøstes alltid opp i rett øyeblikk."

Annette Orre, Dagsavisen

"Stig Sæterbakken treffer blink med sin nye roman. Det er en nervepirrende historie der spenningen utfolder seg på flere plan"

Anne Cathrine Straume, NRK

"På riktig gammeldags vis er Usynlige hender fengende fra første side. Det er en roman man leser i høyt tempo og nødig legger fra seg. Den er åpen og tilgjengelig, ja, nærmest en populær versjon av Sæterbakkens poetikk."

Ingunn Økland, Aftenposten

«Usynlige hender» er en meget sterk roman, skrevet med et presist og økonomisk språk hvor hvert eneste ord har betydning og tyngde, hvor det knapt finnes en klisjé, hvor den nådeløse lidenskapen sørger for framdriften. Og det er heller ikke ei bok man kommer til å glemme fort, til det er hovedpersonenes skjebner for påtrengende og insisterende.

Kurt Hansen, Dagbladet

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Author Stig Sæterbakken

Stig Sæterbakken (1966-2012) was one of Norway's most critically acclaimed authors. His books have been compared to works by artists such as Beckett, Bernhard and Polanski. Sæterbakken's novels often explore the inner life and morality of human beings. A darkness looms in his stories, and yet they are written in a brilliant language.

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