Assistenten (Innbundet)

Series:  451


Audun Mortensen

Norwegian title: Assistenten
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 296
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Bokmål
Serienummer: 451
ISBN/EAN: 9788282884174
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Assistenten

Øyvind (30) resigns as a journalist as a protest against the never ending focus on click news. Equipped with a mobile neck and all-weather jacket, he gets a job as an assistant at Åslia Activity School, on the outskirts of Oslo. There Øyvind will work with the fourth graders in their final year in the after-school program.

The Assistant is a novel about the common school, Fornite and class differences in society.

The depiction of life in the after-school program is funny and full of striking observations on children, adults and the contemporary pedagogy that is trying to knit it all together in total harmony. The Assistant is also a description of how class society and the common school is falling apart, especially in Oslo. The Assistant is an enjoyable and touching tale, and it can also be seen as modern-day working-class literature.

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Reviews Assistenten

Eksistensen sett fra ballbingen

"Skildringen av livet på AKS er morsom og full av treffende observasjoner av barn, voksne og den moderne pedagogikk som forsøker å sy dem harmonisk sammen. Samtidig er Assistenten en beskrivelse av klassesamfunnet og fellesskolen som holder på å rakne, særlig i Oslo. (…) Assistenten er en fornøyelig og rørende fortelling, og sannelig assisterer den også arbeiderromanen i å finne sin moderne avstøpning."

Ellen Engelstad, Klassekampen Bokmagasinet

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Author Audun Mortensen

Audun Mortensen (1985-) is an author and artist. His debut Everyone tells me how good I am, in case I become it (Alle forteller meg hvor bra jeg er i tilfelle jeg blir det) was awarded "Best poem debut of the year" by Aftenposten in 2009. He has since published a number of poetry books, two novels and the critically acclaimed prose collection, Animals I have met (Dyr jeg har møtt).

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