Åtte minutter (Innbundet)

Series:  254


Linda Klakken

Norwegian title: Åtte minutter
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2015
Pages: 112
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Bokmål
Serienummer: 254
ISBN/EAN: 9788282880817
Overview Åtte minutter

It takes roughly eight minutes for the light of the Sun to travel to Earth. Eight minutes and twenty seconds, to be exact. Meaning: If the sun was a lamp on your nightstand that you could switch on and off, it would take eight minutes (and twenty seconds) from the light went out until the light would go out down here. During that time you would have time to read a poem, but hardly a short story and no way a novel. This might make poetry the most apocalyptic of genres?

In this, Linda Klakkens third, poetry collection it is this un-fact that frames the work. We are not facing a black sun, but an author writing about a mother-daughter relationship, modest of sorts, encompassing in it´s simplicity - a proof that life is being lived, even if it is always and already doomed.

Linda Klakken (1979-) has published the collections Mother, Wife, Slave (Mamma, kone, slave - 2013) and Finish the book about your life (Skriv ferdig boka om livet ditt - 2014)

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Reviews Åtte minutter

"Bringer universet inn i det hverdagslige, med renskårent blikk og poetisk presisjon. (…) De vakreste diktene fra mor til datter er til å få frysninger av."

Endre Ruset, Dagbladet

"Dette er en varm og fin diktsamling om mor-datterforholdet som er lett å kjenne seg igjen, om du så er kvinne eller mann."

Truls Horvei, Haugesunds Avis

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