Blücher’s Secret (Innbundet)


Alexander Løken

Norwegian title: Blüchers hemmelighet
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2022
Pages: 144
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202742478
Age: 10 - 14
Overview Blüchers hemmelighet

Avid Reader Award winner Alexander Løken takes us to the summer idyll of Drøbak. But all is not as it seems in the early summer sun. When crabs attack in droves and the sea radiates a dark force that threatens to pull her into its depths, it’s no wonder that Kit (14) would rather go home.

When Blücher sank in Drøbak Sound on 9 April 1940, it had a mysterious passenger on board. Gottfried, a young boy with unique and terrifying powers, sat in a bulletproof iron tank. The tank—and the boy—went down with the ship, but now, after 70 years, things have started to emerge …

When a neighbour asks whether Kit has experienced anything she can’t explain, she gets really scared. What does he know? What is happening in Drøbak Sound, and why now?

YA horror with links back to 9 April 1940.

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Reviews Blüchers hemmelighet

«Blüchers hemmelighet» av Alexander Løken 09.12.2022

"Klar for ein grøssar? Då er denne midt i blinken."

«Blüchers hemmelighet» er ein nervepirrande og godt oppbygd spenningsroman, så visuell at han gjerne kunne blitt film."

Anne-Cathrine Straume,

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Author Alexander Løken

Alexander Løken (b. 1982), made his literary debut in 2014 with The Troll Skull (Trollskallen), the first book in the trilogy about the character Edvard Frost. The two following books were The Serpent´s egg (Ormeegget) in 2015) and The Wolf Hammer (Ulvehammeren) in 2016. The trilogy is timed at the end of the 19th century and the storylines include a lot of the classic Norwegian storytelling and mythology. The books are suitable for children who enjoy stories filled with action and knowledge.

The Dead can see you (De døde ser deg) published in 2017 is Løkens first book in the Young Adult segment. A both scary and interesting story about a society where your secrets are no longer your own.
Alexander Løken is a productive and creative writer with many more projects coming out in the years to come. He won the very first Bokslukerprisen for his debut, The Troll Skull in 2014.

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