The Little Man from Argentina (Innbundet)


Kristian Klausen

Norwegian title: Den lille mannen fra Argentina
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2022
Pages: 176
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Den lille mannen fra Argentina
ISBN/EAN: 9788202732202
Overview Den lille mannen fra Argentina

One of the worst war criminals in history arrives in Drammen in May 1960. He has escaped his pursuers to start a new life and is renting a flat in a building in Konnerudgata. He gets a job as a night watchman at a paper mill. He frequents a local café and learns Norwegian. He enters into a relationship with the novel’s other main character, Martha Dreyer, an author who lives two floors above him. Due to this relationship, his usual defence mechanisms start to fail. He starts to feel guilty. But even though he is troubled by his actions, he still struggles to acknowledge the scope of them.

The historical figure is Adolf Eichmann, one of those chiefly responsible for organising the Holocaust.

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Reviews Den lille mannen fra Argentina

Ondskapen midt iblant oss 11.01.2022

«... en frittstående, feiende flott og selvstendig roman enhver vil ha glede av»

Jan Askelund, Stavanger Aftenblad

«[...] rikt og tankevekkande om to menneske som på ulikt vis går og ber på seg sjølv.»

Ingvild Bræin, Dag og Tid

Da nazisten Eichmann fant ømhet i Drammen 10.01.2022

«Kristian Klausen skriver godt og vakkert...»

«Klausen sjonglerer stilsikkert mellom de ulike karakterenes perspektiv og lynne.»

«Det er forfriskende og originalt...»

Kristine Hovda, Vårt Land

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Author Kristian Klausen

Kristian Klausen (b. 1971) is a freelance writer and art instructor. He made his literary début in 2008 with his critically acclaimed short story collection The meal in Emmaus. In 2014 he was awarded The Norwegian Booksellers grant, and the same year he was also nominated to The NRK P2-listeners Novel Award for the novel My Life was a Hot Library.

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