From a Russian Typewriter (Innbundet)


Kristian Klausen

Norwegian title: Fra en russisk skrivemaskin
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 160
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202772291
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Fra en russisk skrivemaskin

The KGB agent Mikhail Alekhin arrives in Drammen in 1971 looking for a Soviet dissident author who has gone underground. Mikhail’s mission is to carry out an assassination. In Drammen he gets to know Dordi Normann. Dordi also acts as a carer and assistant for their old father Willem – a visual artist who is defying advanced Alzheimer’s to keep painting. After meeting Dordi and Willem and seeing their dedication to art, Mikhail Alekhin becomes plagued by ideological doubts and feelings of guilt.

How will Mikhail, a Russian who’s more than used to propaganda and cultural alignment in a communist dictatorship, react to the radical political awakening which began to make waves in Norway at the time? What kind of cultural expression would he meet here? And can a human, driven by a sense of duty and loyalty, work in surveillance without causing damage to their soul?
«Counterfactual fable provides a highly topical image of Russian surveillance culture.»

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More books by Kristian Klausen:

Reviews Fra en russisk skrivemaskin

KGB-agent hopper av i Norge 17.01.2023

«En «ambisiøs lakei» hjelper Kristian Klausen å skrive nok en kontrafaktisk roman fra hjembyen.»

Jan Askelund, Stavanger Aftenblad

Angrende russisk spion - i Drammen 13.01.2023

«Kontrafaktisk fabel gir et høyaktuelt bilde av russisk overvåkningskultur.»

«... en dagsaktuell fabel om sensur, overvåkning og ytringskultur.»

«... skaper uansett innsikt i en skremmende mentalitet»

Ingunn Økland, Aftenposten

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Author Kristian Klausen

Kristian Klausen (b. 1971) is a freelance writer and art instructor. He made his literary début in 2008 with his critically acclaimed short story collection The meal in Emmaus. In 2014 he was awarded The Norwegian Booksellers grant, and the same year he was also nominated to The NRK P2-listeners Novel Award for the novel My Life was a Hot Library.

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