The dark secret in Tysfjord (Innbundet)


Anne-Britt Harsem

Norwegian title: Den mørke hemmeligheten i Tysfjord
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2019
Pages: 224
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202599058
Kategori: Narrative Non-fiction
Overview Den mørke hemmeligheten i Tysfjord

In 2016 eleven women and men in Tysfjord stood forth in media to tell about sexual violations. The police investigation revealed a total of one hundred and fifteen cases of sexual violations, most of them with connections to the lule sami environment in Tysfjord. This is the story of how a community could fail in such a way, told by the victims. It is a story of the responsibilites adults have for children, and the old conflict between the big community and smaller, closed environments.

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Reviews Den mørke hemmeligheten i Tysfjord

Rystende rapport fra Tysfjord 28.02.2019

Tekstens fine balansegang mellom det personlig, sterkt opplevde og det nøkternt fortalte bidrar til å gi boken en aura av uimotståelig troverdighet og autoritet.

Bare sjelden leser jeg noe så rystende som «Den mørke hemmeligheten i Tysfjord».

Leif Ekle, NRK

Sjokkerende lesning om seksuelle overgrep i Tysfjord

«en sterk, vond og viktig bok»

Simen Ingemundsen, Bygdebladet

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Author Anne-Britt Harsem

Anne-Britt Harsem (born 1961) is the author of Mammas svik (Mum’s Betrayal, 2013) and the Alvdal trilogy. She works on a freelance basis for the office of the County Governor of Oslo and Viken as a temporary guardian during the facilitated questioning of children and young people.

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