The Leaves Are Singing (Innbundet)

Series: Folket på Finnskogen 5


Britt Karin Larsen

Norwegian title: Det synger i lauvet
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2013
Pages: 360
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Det synger i lauvet
Series: Folket på Finnskogen
Serienummer: 5
ISBN/EAN: 9788202425067
Overview Det synger i lauvet

Britt Karin Larsen’s four previous books about the people from the Finnforest were received with huge enthusiasm and, in 2012, Før snøen kommer was a success with the critics. In the new novel from the Finnforest, Larsen continues where she left off last year. In a subtle and at the same time powerful style, she tells of poverty, death and love in the lives of the forest people.

Britt Karin Larsen is an exceptional writer, with a unique voice of her own.

‘Britt Karin Larsen has this unique ability to see life and events in the forest area between Hedmark and Värmland from a bird’s eye view, an almost divine point of view, and to zoom in on the strengths and weaknesses of individuals. She does this without the language she uses becoming pompous or melodramatic. We relate to the characters’ pain and joy, and follow the Forest Finns through almost a century of Norwegian history. This series deserves a big literary prize, and a bigger readership!’

‘A great storyteller … Britt Karin Larsen fascinates once again with a strange language which is hers and hers alone.’

‘It’s amazing that Larsen manages to keep the pace up in this beautiful, critically-acclaimed and entertaining series. She writes so warmly that the series gets better with every book. These books are a gift to the book-reading public. … Traditional, well-written historical novels which are fast-paced and dramatic. I enjoyed every page of these books, and I hope that Britt Karin Larsen keeps going. The series is still going strong in follow-ups one and two and three.’

‘She just keeps going. Britt Karin Larsen’s series about the people of Finnskogen just gets better with every book she writes. … A masterpiece in the making.’

‘Narrative art from Finnskogen … A great storyteller who deserves a large audience.’

‘Larsen manages to combine a sense of the dramatic with interest in the everyman, an individual struggling to get by in a life of poverty who finds happiness where it is least expected.’

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Reviews Det synger i lauvet

En enorm forteller

"Igjen fascinerer Britt Karin Larsen med sitt forunderlige språk som bare er hennes. "

Berit Kobro, VG

"I sum er dette en frodig, underholdende folkelivsskildring spent ut mellom vakkert og heslig, det lattermilde og det alvorsfylte, et faktisk skogslandskap og en rekke fiktive menneskeskjebner."

Steinar Sivertsen, Stavanger Aftenblad

"Det er utrolig at Larsen klarer å holde driv og tempo oppe på denne vakre, kritikerroste og underholdende serien. Ja, hun har skrevet seg så varm at serien blir bedre for hver bok. Disse bøkene er en gave til det boklesende publikum. (...) Tradisjonelle velskrevne historiske romaner med både driv og dramatikk. Selv nyter jeg hver side i disse bøkene, og håper Britt Karin Larsen bare skriver i vei. Serien tåler godt både en og to og tre oppfølgere."

Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet

"Det bare fortsetter. Britt Karin Larsens serie om folket på Finnskogen blir bare mer fullendt for hver bok som går. (...) Det er et storverk som er i ferd med å vokse fram."

Geir Vestad, Hamar Arbeiderblad

Fortellerkunst fra Finnskogen

En stor forteller som fortjener et stort publikum.

Turid Larsen, Dagsavisen

Nye dramatiske finnskogforteljingar

"Larsen evnar å kombinere sansen for dramatiske hendingar med interessa for det vesle mennesket, individet som under fattige kår strevar seg fram i livet og som stundom finn litt lykke der det minst er venta"

Randi Brenden, Dag og tid

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Author Britt Karin Larsen

Britt Karin Larsen (1945–) has written poetry, books for children, documentary books and novels. Her first published work was the 1978 collection of poetry 5 mg blues og andre dikt. She is reknowned for her Gypsy trilogy, and her historic novels about the life of people in the wooded area of Finnskogen in Norway.

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