Series: Folket på Finnskogen 6


Britt Karin Larsen

Norwegian title: Slik treet faller
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 494
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Slik treet faller
Series: Folket på Finnskogen
Serienummer: 6
ISBN/EAN: 9788202453787
Overview Slik treet faller

Winner of the Dobloug prize

A farmhand comes to one of the big farms in Finnskogen, Valkola,and steals the aging Valborg's heart. Across the ocean, Amy finds a friend among the Native Americans. This new friend has a
brother she also meets.?Nils and Elin, who now live in Oslo, dream about the smallholding they're going to buy. Will their dream ever become reality? Daniel, Taneli and Lina's son, who once dreamt of seeing his homeland and Finnskogen again, falls ill aboard the ship from America. The god child is still waiting for Karin with the beautiful voice to come home from America.

The plot in Britt Karin Larsen's Slik treet faller switches between those who emigrated to America and the remaining Forest Finns in Kristiania and Finnskogen. In this novel, the seventh in the series, events move up to the Second World War, when the Forest Finns are hit just as hard as the rest of Norway. Many of those growing up in Finnskogen are living in poverty, and things don't get any better when most of them turn to communism and are therefore not allowed to work.

It is perhaps in portraying the strength and solidarity possessed by these distinguished and vulnerable people that Britt Karen shows her greatness as an author.

Beautiful, poetic and magnificent.’
6 out of 6

Most of all, it is the intimate details that draw us in. Here you will find love and jealousy, longing and sorrow, and most of all destiny. ... The novel is a mosaic of short episodes that together constitute a great drama of destiny about small yet strong people in the mighty and merciless maelstrom of time that will not stop for anything or anyone.’

‘What is most compelling is how she manages to maintain the action without any deadlocks, especially with a huge cast of characters that are always developing. ... Her novels are about mankind’s longing to fit in even though the urge to withdraw is just as strong. And it is in the tension between these forces that this wide-ranging family chronicle evolves.’

‘This is classic storytelling from the heart and mind, using a poetic language that gives literary lift.’

‘Poetic and beautiful … Britt Karin Larsen’s very personal and lyrical language sets her apart from other Norwegian writers.’

‘Fantastic stories from Finnskogen Himmelbjørnens skog is an unexpectedly rich and earthy tale, crudely expressed and yet sophisticated. Superb!’

‘Britt Karin Larsen’s prose is sheer poetry and she has a great capacity for engagement.’

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Reviews Slik treet faller

"Vakkert, poetisk og storslått."

Berit Kobro, VG

"Også denne fortellingen er båret av en gjennomstrømmende varme og solidarisk kjærlighet til underklassefolk og slitere, enten de strever i materiell eller emosjonell nød. Oftest begge deler....Her kan man uten skaperi fryde seg over uforstilt, folkelig hverdagsrealisme og en forfatter som synes andre enn henne selv er verdt å skrive om."

Jan Askelund, Stavanger Aftenblad

Dansen gjennom skogane

"Likevel er det mest dei nære tinga som engasjerer. Her er kjærleik og sjalusi, lengt og sorg, og mest av alt lagnad. (...) Romanen er ein mosaikk av korte episodar som samla utgjer eit stort lagnadsdrama om små, men sterke menneske i den veldige og nådelause straumen av tid som ikkje stoggar for noko eller nokon."

Odd W. Surén, Dag og Tid

Mektig krønike

"Og det aller mest overbevisende er hvordan hun greier å gjennomføre satsingen uten dødpunkter, med et enormt persongalleri som stadig er i utvikling.(...) For romanene forteller om menneskets lengsel etter tilhørighet, men trangen til å dra ut er ikke mindre sterk. Og det er i spennet mellom disse kreftene at denne vidtfavnende slektskrøniken utvikler seg."

Geir Vestad, Hamar Arbeiderblad

Et storverk i utvikling

"Dette er klassisk historiefortelling med hjerte og hjerne og et poetisk språk som gir litterært løft."

Turid Larsen, Dagsavisen

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Author Britt Karin Larsen

Britt Karin Larsen (1945–) has written poetry, books for children, documentary books and novels. Her first published work was the 1978 collection of poetry 5 mg blues og andre dikt. She is reknowned for her Gypsy trilogy, and her historic novels about the life of people in the wooded area of Finnskogen in Norway.

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