Captain Nero (Innbundet)

Samson & Roberto book 4

Series: Samson & Roberto 4


Ingvar Ambjørnsen

Norwegian title: Kaptein Nero
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2013
Pages: 120
Illustrator: Dybvig, Per
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Kaptein Nero
Series: Samson & Roberto
Serienummer: 4
ISBN/EAN: 9788202420673
Age: 5 - 10
Overview Kaptein Nero

The first three books about Samson and Roberto are loved by big and small readers alike.

The clever cat, Roberto, and the amiable dog, Samson, inherited Hotel Fjord View where they live a peaceful life alongside bellhop Greta the Badger, and handy-man Olli the Otter stops by when something needs repairing. One of their guests, the widowed goose Gåthaug, is nervous and depressed. She believes the end of the world is near.

After a while it seems that strange and scary things are happening out at sea. Several people have spotted an enormous, bright eye, and when lighthouse keeper Fredrik, a strong and terrified ram, comes rowing at breakneck speed, everybody quickly understands that something is wrong. A small expedition, consisting of Samson, Roberto, Stork von Struts and Benny the News Rat, decide to find out exactly what it is out there that is scaring so many of them. This expedition sends them into perilous territory, with big surprises and unexpected occurences.

The book is as exciting as any James Bond film, and is guaranteed to please Samson and Roberto fans new and old!

‘An amusing book for adults and children… The fact that Kaptein Nero alludes to the classic tales Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and The Mysterious Island by the renowned author Jules Verne allows for interplay between adult and child readers, allowing young readers to dip their toes in the water before taking the plunge into world literature. Enjoy!’

‘Kaptein Nero is a story filled with comedic capers and literary references, not least the works of Jules Verne, such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea… Throughout the book the reader can delight in the hilarious drawings by illustrator Per Dybvig, all of which bring the story to life… a book well suited to reading aloud or as an audio book for the whole family to enjoy on long car journeys.’

‘This is an exciting and especially funny book that will bring laughter to readers (in fact, I’d extend that to encompass all creatures), regardless of age… The interplay between the text and the illustrations is perfect.’

‘Natural storytelling in a superior and witty style has made Ingvar Ambjørsen’s books about his dog Samson and cat Roberto among the best Norwegian children’s books that I’ve come across in recent years.’

‘A perfect combination of suspense and humour!’

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Gjennom hele boka kan vi glede oss over Per Dybvigs elleville tegninger som levendegjør historien

Frid Feyling , VG

More books by Ingvar Ambjørnsen:

Reviews Kaptein Nero

Gøyalt for barn og voksne

"At «Kaptein Nero» har klare henspillinger på klassikerne «En verdensomseiling under havet» og «Den hemmelighetsfulle øy» av berømte Jules Verne, åpner for samspill mellom voksenleser og barn, en spore til dypdykk i verdenslitteraturen. God fornøyelse!"

Finn Stenstad, Tønsberg blad

Hemningsløst gjensyn med Samson og Roberto!

"«Kaptein Nero» er en historie full av humoristiske krumspring og referanser til annen litteratur, ikke minst Jules Vernes «En verdensomseiling under havet».(...) Gjennom hele boka kan vi glede oss over Per Dybvigs elleville tegninger som levendegjør historien.en bok som egner seg ypperlig for høytlesning eller som lydbok for hele familien på lange bilturer."

Frid Feyling , VG

"Dette er en spennende, særdeles morsom bok som vil more mennesker,jeg ville nær sagt dyr, i alle aldre (...) Samspillet mellom tekst og bilde er perfekt."

Liv Mossige, Dagbladet

"Rå historiefortelling i en suveren og humoristisk stil har gjort Ingvar Ambjørnsens bøker om hunden Samson og katten Roberto til noen av de beste norske barnebøkene av nyere dato som jeg vet om."

Atle Christiansen, Aftenposten

"Spenning og humor i god blanding!"

Hege K. Fosser Pedersen, Foreldre og barn

"Ellevilt gjensyn med Samson og Roberto fra forfatterens dyriske univers. Barnebok for alle aldre."

Sølvi Wærhaug, årets beste bøker 2013, VG

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Author Ingvar Ambjørnsen

Per Dybvig (1964–) is an illustrator and one of our foremost children’s book artists. He has received many awards for his drawings and his work has been featured in solo exhibitions. In 2005 he and Bjørn Rørvik were co-recipients of the Ministry for Culture and Church Affairs’ Literary Award for their Fox and Piglet books.

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