The Women’s City (Innbundet)

En feministisk guide til Oslo


Marta Breen, Helene Uri og Hilde Østby

Norwegian title: Kvinnenes by
Norwegian subtitle: En feministisk guide til Oslo
Author: , og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2022
Pages: 208
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Kvinnenes by
ISBN/EAN: 9788202747138
Kategori: Narrative Non-fiction
Overview Kvinnenes by

Oslo is a city in flux. In the last decade alone, a number of new areas, districts and landmarks have appeared. But one thing seems to persist: male dominance. There are still about seven times more men than women who have had a street named after them in the capital, and most busts and statues are of men. Everyone needs to feel represented in public and to be made aware of pioneers and role models in whom they can recognise themselves.
In this feminist guide, you can learn about the women who have already had streets named after them.

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Author Marta Breen

Hilde Østby (b. 1975) is a historian of ideas, author, journalist and former publishing editor. She made her debut as an author in 2013 with the critically acclaimed novel Encyclopedia of Longing. After that she went on to write the international non-fiction bestseller Adventures in Memory (2016) with her sister Ylva Østby.

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