Otto the monster in Bullysillyball (Innbundet)

Series: Min første leseløve 


Jon Ewo og Reidar Kjelsen

Norwegian title: Min første leseløve - Otto monster i bølletulliball
Author: og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2016
Pages: 56
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Otto Monster i bølletulliball
Series: Min første leseløve
ISBN/EAN: 9788202523732
Age: 6 - 8
Overview Min første leseløve - Otto monster i bølletulliball

Otto the monster hates sport but likes dancing. He's especially keen on breakdance. But his parents want Otto to play Bullyball instead. Bullyball is the number one favourite sport for monsters.

Against his will, Otto participates in a training match and the result is a foregone conclusion – unless he can dance his way out of it.

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More books by Jon Ewo og Reidar Kjelsen:

Author Jon Ewo

Jon Ewo (1957–) has worked as a consultant, editor, writer, author and publisher. His first book for young adults was published in 1992. He has also written children’s books and crime fiction. All of his books are filled with a generous dose of humor.

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