Sex, Death and Marriage
Jon Øystein Flink
Norwegian title: | Mord i oppgangen |
Author: | Jon Øystein Flink |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2014 |
Pages: | 192 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202439866 |
Kategori: | Mystery and Crime |
Murder in the Stairwell (Mord i oppgangen) is Jon Øystein Flink's fourth novel and seventh publication. The protagonist in the book is a nameless crime writer living a half dissolute and half predictable life in the capital. He is married and expecting a child with his somewhat more successful VG journalist wife, Kristin. When he finds a body in the stairwell of a friend's building in Oslo city centre, his life changes dramatically and the borders between fiction and reality start to blur. But the nameless protagonist uses all his wit and imagination to help the somewhat reluctant police force find the murderer.
Crime was quite possibly the only genre Jon Øystein Flink hadn't got involved with. And considering the success he's had with his other books, it won't come as a surprise that the thrilling crime of Murder in the Stairwell will be both successful and widely discussed.
‘Original and consistently entertaining writing from Flink. If this is only the first of many books, then I very much look forward to a follow-up. This paves the way for a lot of fun in the future.’
‘Jon Øystein Flink’s hard-boiled trip of a crime parody is memorably energetic.’
Jon Øystein Flink
Jon Øystein Flink
Flink skriver hele veien underholdende, og er en original forfatter.Om dette bare er en bok av flere, så sier jeg ja takk til fortsettelsen.For her ligger det an til mye moro fremover.
Jon Øystein Flinks hardkokte trip av en krimparodi er på sitt beste minneverdig energisk.
Bernhard Ellefsen , Morgenbladet