If only (Heftet)


Vigdis Hjorth

Norwegian title: Om bare
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2017
Pages: 320
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Om bare
ISBN/EAN: 9788202544232
Overview Om bare

The playwright Ida Heier has met the love of her life: the professor Arnold Busk, who is ten years her senior. Both are married and have children. For several years she pines for him to let go of his family for her. But when he does their relationship moves toward the extreme, an obsession that borders on madness…

«A great, tragic romance novel that hits the reader like a high-speed train.»

«With the novel “If only” Hjorth steps up a division. It is written with the blood of her heart, and might be her best novel.»

«By the end of If Only, Hjorth reworks that old aphorism: unhappy stories are all alike. It’s the ones that eke out a kind of happiness that set themselves apart. Hjorth emerges once again, in this novel, as not only a chronicler of the bruised and bloody, but their champion, an author who grants her characters the power to author their own stories themselves.»
Full Stop (US)

«A love affair consumes a Norwegian woman's life in Hjorth's breathtaking latest ... Hjorth's narration is both irresistible and exhausting, a headlong rush that describes and enacts Ida's feelings as she careens between love and hate for a man she knows isn't "worth the sacrifice." Like Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment, Ida has occasional flashes that she's acting irrationally, and Hjorth evokes the agony of her protagonist's self-entrapment to a devastating degree. It's an enthralling tale of passion gone to rot.»
Publishers Weekly, starred review

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Reviews Om bare

«En stor, tragisk kjærlighetsroman som treffer leseren som et hurtigtog.»

Tonje Tveite, Dagbladet

«Med romanen Om bare har Hjort tatt steget opp en divisjon. Den er skrevet med hennes hjertblod og er trolig hennes beste.»

Berit Kobro, VG

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Author Vigdis Hjorth

Vigdis Hjorth (1959–) has made an exciting literary career and has written many popular books for both children and adults. Today she is an awardwinning author and one of Norway's most interesting, contemporary writers.
She has won a number of prizes and awards, amongst them: The Gyldendal Prize in 2011, the Critics Award in 2012, The Honorary Brage Award and the Amalie Skram Award in 2014, The Aschehoug Award in 2015 and the Booksellers Prize in 2016.
Her books have been published in 30 countries.

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