Warming Winter Drinks (Innbundet)

With and Without Alcohol


Arnt Steffensen

Norwegian title: Varme vinterdrikker
Norwegian subtitle: Med og uten alkohol
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 152
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Varme vinterdrikker
ISBN/EAN: 9788202798949
Kategori: Cook Books
Overview Varme vinterdrikker

Warming Winter Drinks is the book that will make those cold seasons a little cozier and a lot warmer! These recipes are a mix of well-known classics, forgotten favourites, and exciting innovations. The most gorgeous hot chocolates both children and adults will love. The best recipe for gløgg (mulled wine with spices). Hot toddies which will cure your winter cold. Warm punches to make even the coldest January nights nice and soft. And a long list of other exciting warm drinks you may have never heard of before, but which you’ll definitely be tempted to try out. How about an Aperol punch, the recipe for King Olav’s hot chocolate or a Harry Potter-inspired Butterbeer? Or could we maybe tempt you with a Mexican Atole with peanut butter?

Something warm and tasty will help you through the dark winter times. Whether it’s a delicious drink around the campfire with good friends, in front of the fireplace on a groggy and dark winter’s night, or on a sunny ski trip with your whole family. As well as recipes, you’ll also learn about the history behind several of the warm drinks: how did Bosse Bergstrøm make Hot Shot a Swedish hit? Does a 300-year-old drink recipe still hit the spot? What is a bouillon pair? And which warm drink put Gwyneth Paltrow on everyone’s lips in 2015?

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Reviews Varme vinterdrikker

26 mat- og drikkebøker du bør få med deg nå 19.06.2024

Ei velsmakende bok av en meget dyktig drinkmann og ingen skal fortelle meg at Irish Coffee ikke kan drikkes året rundt!

Tor Hammerø, Nettavisen

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Author Arnt Steffensen

Arnt Steffansen (b. 1968) is a chef and President of the Norwegian Diet and Nutrition Association in Delta, a trade union for chefs and kitchen staff working in the public sector. He is a former canteen manager and Norwegian master of the institutional culinary arts. Knowledge of drinks, wines and spirits is an important part of a chef’s training, and Steffansen has written several books about spirits and food culture.

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