A Happily Married Man (Innbundet)

and other stories


Odd Klippenvåg

Norwegian title: En lykkelig gift mann
Norwegian subtitle: og andre noveller
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2020
Pages: 160
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: En lykkelig gift mann
ISBN/EAN: 9788202675547
Overview En lykkelig gift mann

A Happily Married Man and Other Short Stories deals with the topic of Love. In this collection of stories, the past appears in the shape of a Russian woman, a brother is puzzled by his sister not attending their father´s funeral, a man has his life changed after a shellfish dinner party, a widow is struggling with frustration as well as her conscience, a head teacher is unfaithful and an old man experiences sorrow, as a long relationship has run its course.

Winner of The Norwegian Young Critics Award 2020.

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More books by Odd Klippenvåg:

Reviews En lykkelig gift mann

Det vanskelege samlivet 02.10.2020

«Odd Klippenvåg er ein stødig, stilsikker og god novellist -- av dei beste i landet.


Odd Klippenvåg skriv med forteljarteknisk eminens og stilistisk finesse, og det er ei glede å lese han. Ein skulle ønskje at fleire fann fram til dette forfattarskapet.»

Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid

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Author Odd Klippenvåg

Odd Klippenvåg (1951–) is an acclaimed writer. Since his debut in 1978, he has published a long line of novels and collections of short stories - most of them highly regarded by the critics.

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