Tire Change (Heftet)


Vigdis Hjorth

Norwegian title: Hjulskift
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2017
Pages: 208
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202544256
Overview Hjulskift

The man in front of her was sitting very still on a rock smoking a Prince cigarette, now slightly smiling, with his elbows on his knees and his legs opened wide. Apart from their difference in size, he didn't really measure up to her, so why was she interested in him? But that’s something, anyway, she said to herself; she wasn’t going up the hierarchy, like most women, but down the opposite way. Is it so easy, so childish? To do the opposite? What was she after? She was having a break. From herself, from work, the past, the future, her life. Putting off difficult things, demanding things, have a break, rest at his place. It won’t solve the problem. And he isn’t even aware that there’s a problem. That she is not accountable for her actions at the time of the crime, on the run, that he is a kind of shelter.

Tire Change (Hjulskift)
is a love story about Truls, a car salesman, and Louise, a professor of literature. It’s an intelligent and humorously told story of an encounter between two people who come from opposite ends of the cultural spectrum.

"I can do nothing but to bring out the superlatives (…) She dissects difference in class, love, intimacy, art and life in a pure, simple and extremely precise language."

"Hjorths latest publications portraits ever better dilemmas about living a life in the upper cultural layers of the Norwegian middle class. She writes thought provokingly and entertaining (…) Her books is amongst the best that is published in Norway today."

Rights sold to Denmark, Poland and Sweden.

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Reviews Hjulskift

«Hjorth er drivende god til både å skildre og diskutere egne tankerekker og livsanskuelser. Språket er meget presist og opplysende. Romanen er morsom og den er innsiktsfull.»

Helge Ottesen, Varden

«Det er bare å ta fram superlativene […] Hun dissekerer klasseforskjeller, kjærlighet, intimitet, kunst og liv i et rent, enkelt og uhyre presist språk […] en nytelse å lese.»

Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet

«Hjorths siste utgivelser skildrer stadig bedre dilemmaer ved å leve i det øvre kulturelle sjiktet i norsk middelklasse. Hun skriver tankevekkende og underholdende […] bøkene er blant de beste som utgis på norsk.»

Tom Egil Hverven, Klassekampen

«Skal en gå så tett innpå livet, bør også diktningen holde mål. Det gjør den her.»

Annette Orre, Dagsavisen

«Forfatteren lar språket skinne i denne praktfulle pasjonsromanen om mentale klasseskiller. [...] Romanen utvikler seg raffinert og optimistisk, den er skarp og vittig, ja til tider svært morsom.»

Stein Roll, Adresseavisen

«Kjærlighetens klassereise»

Finn Stenstad, Tønsberg Blad

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Author Vigdis Hjorth

Vigdis Hjorth (1959–) has made an exciting literary career and has written many popular books for both children and adults. Today she is an awardwinning author and one of Norway's most interesting, contemporary writers.

She has won a number of prizes and awards, amongst them: The Gyldendal Prize in 2011, the Critics Award in 2012, The Honorary Brage Award and the Amalie Skram Award in 2014, The Aschehoug Award in 2015 and the Booksellers Prize in 2016.

Her books have been published in 30 countries.

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