A Tree Grows in Mostamegg (Innbundet)

Series: Folket på Finnskogen 1


Britt Karin Larsen

Norwegian title: Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2009
Pages: 192
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg
Series: Folket på Finnskogen
Serienummer: 1
ISBN/EAN: 9788202300449
Overview Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg

A Tree Grows in Mostamägg (Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg) is set in the huge Finnskogen forest during the 19th century. The "forest Finns" have their own outcasts, who have to try to survive as best they can.
Britt Karin Larsen writes beautifully, with raw realism and often very movingly about Lina and Taneli’s struggle for survival and the strong bonds with nature from which they draw both their strength and the necessities of life.

‘The author knows a lot about nature and about folk traditions and beliefs. Like many of the characters in her books, she sees the world from a grassroots perspective, like many of her literary characters. Britt Karin Larsen has written a gripping and instructive book.’

‘A Tree Grows in Mostamägg is beautiful and cruel, quiet and very dramatic. The final episode is a genuine cliff-hanger, and an omen of future novels about silent bear hunters, sex-starved women and lost clergymen – hopefully!’

‘Britt Karin Larsen has delivered a strong, excellent novel.’

‘Reading on, one recognises many of Britt Karin Larsen’s masterly authorial skills, developed during her long and prolific career as a writer. A Tree Grows in Mostamägg is a stern novel, but abundantly supplied with the human warmth and linguistic riches that characterise all her best novels.’

‘As dark as a fairy-tale … She chooses her words skilfully and poetically as she writes about harsh conditions, death and grief, but also human warmth and love... it is a cruel and thrilling narrative in a restrained format.’

‘The author has a God-given skill as a storyteller ... We all share a soft spot for well-constructed stories that are inspired by the past but at no time turn into mere history lessons. A follow-up to the novel about forest Finns in Mostamägg has just been published in Norway – One can only hope that Heidruns have already engaged Joar Tiberg to translate it.’

‘A poetic tale from Finnskogen … The narrative in A Tree Grows in Mostamägg is incredibly beautifully told – the dark tone has a mysterious depth, scented with soil and conifer needles. One hears the wind in the fir branches. It is high time that we started paying attention to and reading the literature produced in the other Nordic countries, instead of ignoring it, just as backs were turned on the people in Finnskogen.’

‘Now, she has chosen to write with such intense vividness about the forest Finns, yet another minority that lived on the margins of Norwegian society. Britt Karin Larsen describes this ignored population with warmth. She gives them a dignity of their own. Apparently, this book is the first one in a series – let us hope it is!’

‘Britt Karin Larsen’s prose is sheer poetry and she has a great capacity for engagement.’

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Reviews Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg

"Forfatteren har store kunnskaper om naturen, tradisjonene og folketroen. Hun ser verden nedenfra i likhet med mange av sine litterære skikkelser. Nok en fengslende og lærerik bok av Britt Karin Larsen."

Berit Kobro, VG

Poetisk berättelse från finnskogen

Det växer ett träd i Mostamägg är oerhört vackert berättad – suggestiv och djupmörk i färgen – den luktar jord och barr. Det susar granskog om den. Det är tid att vi börjar läsa och uppmärksamma våra grannländers litteratur, i stället för att låta den ligga bortglömd som människorna i finnskogarna.

Magnus Dahlerus, Upsala Nye Tidning

"Författaren har en berättarröst av Guds nåde (...) Vi är svaga för den här sortens flinka berättelser som hämtar sin inspiration ur det förgångna, men aldrig blir några historielektioner för det. En uppföljare om skogsfinnarna i Mostamägg har kommit ut i Norge – hoppas att Heidruns förlag redan satt Joar Tiberg att översätta den."

Martina Lowden, Dagens Nyheter

Mörker i sagostil

Med varsamt ordval och poetiskt språk skriver hon om hårda villkor, lidande, död och sorg, men också om värme och kärlek. [...] Det är en grym och spännande berättelse i litet format.

Eva Elmgren, Borås Tidning

"Det er en sterk og god roman Britt Karin Larsen har levert."

Kjell Olaf Jensen, Aftenposten

Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg er vakker og grusom, lågmælt og høgdramatisk. Slutten er ein ekte cliff-hanger, som ber bod om nye romanar om tause bjørnejegerar, kåte kvinner og bortkomne prestar. Det er lov å håpe!

Marta Norheim, NRK

"Undervegs gjenfinner en mange av Britt Karin Larsens fortellergrep, slik hun har utviklet dem til mesterskap gjennom et langt og omfattende forfatterskap. Det vokser et tre i Mostamägg er en stram roman, men med rikelig av den menneskelige varmen og den språklige rikdommen som preger romanene hennes på sitt beste. "

Geir Vestad, Hamar Arbeiderblad

"Nå er det skogfinnene hun skriver så inderlig levende om, nok en minoritet som levde på siden av det norske samfunnet. Britt Karin Larsen skildrer minoritetsgruppen med varme, og hun gir dem mot og verdighet. Det kan synes som boka er begynnelsen på en ny serie – la oss håpe det!"

Anne Schäffer, Tara

«Britt Karin Larsens prosa är rena lyriken och hennes inlevelseförmåga stor.»

Bengt Åkeblom, Wermlandia

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Author Britt Karin Larsen

Britt Karin Larsen (1945–) has written poetry, books for children, documentary books and novels. Her first published work was the 1978 collection of poetry 5 mg blues og andre dikt. She is reknowned for her Gypsy trilogy, and her historic novels about the life of people in the wooded area of Finnskogen in Norway.

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